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seedlings from the green fingers project

Green Fingers With Young At Heart

Young At Heart is a non-residential, intergenerational community interest company for those who are retired, providing an active day outside the home with other like-minded adults. Based in Heathfield, the club provides a variety of activities integrating several local primary and nursery schools.

Green Fingers Project

With funding from Heathfield and Waldron Parish Council, Young At Heart launched The Green Fingers Project and chose our Director Steve to organize the planting with their members and school pupils. Steve has visited their club house at Heathfield Cricket Club and various primary schools with planting pots, soil and seeds and other materials to get multiple generations into planting.  

See some of the members and pupils in action in this video on Facebook

Help From Other Local Businesses

Rapkyns Nursery have kindly provided polytunnel space for the seeds to germinate which have already begun turning into super plants and wildflowers (seeds of which were kindly donated by Agrifactors). The plan is for them to be planted out around the club and in the grounds of the primary schools.

green fingers project at young at heart

Planting For All Ages

Young At Heart are dedicated to supporting the elderly in our community and reducing loneliness. Not only is this project social, it is also mentally and physically stimulating. Feeling the soil in one’s fingers and using motor skills to fill pots and plant seeds helps with mobility. Introducing the younger generation to planting is Steve’s passion and he loves seeing the children proud to show off their work and learn from the older members.

Green Fingers Will Be Back

Whilst the project is about to be paused for the summer holidays, we look forward to seeing the plants and flowers when activities resume in September.

seedlings from the green fingers project

For more information about Young At Heart or to get involved as a member or volunteer, please visit their website.

If you would like Steve to do a planting demonstration for a club or school close to your heart, please contact us.

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